Hello Friends, Are you Aircel Customer? Searching for How to Get Aircel Port Code Without Any Network and Balance? All we know that As per the regular MNP (Mobile Number Portability) process, you need to send a message for mobile number portability as “PORT [your Aircel number]” on 1900 to get your Unique port out code.
But it is not working at all and other solution like simple IVR system also fails. But, Don't Worry Use Our Aircel Port Code Generator App and Get Your UPC Online.
If you are unable to send a port message to Aircel then follow the below steps to get Aircel Online UPC code generator. Download Aircel Port Code Generator App and Get the UPC easily.
* 10 Digit Phone Number
* Last 5 digit Serial number of your Sim card
* Yor State Name
Thats It.
In this app, you need only the 10 digit mobile number and the last 5 digits mobile number for generating the PORT CODE number of Aircel.